Nathalie Jeha - work from home

by Nathalie Jeha – CEO – Marketing & Business Consultant
Better’fly Lebanon

I hope that my message finds you in great health.
Today we’re going to discuss E-mail Communication – Best Practices during the COVID-19 Epidemic.

During this period of time, your e-mails subscribers are most probably being showered with messages, updates, offers and newsletters from all around.

As business owners and pioneers, I believe that you’re cautiously thinking about whether to send your own email shots mentioning COVID-19 or not. For a huge number of business leaders, it might appear as if it’s an official letter addressed by the CEO of your organization. For other people, it might look progressively like a prompt update to advice your subscribers of changes or any type of update.  

E-mail Communication - Best Practices During The COVID-19 Epidemic

So, if your COVID-19 messages aren’t assessed with significance and thought, at that point, best case scenario, you may discover your image and message disregarded in those packed inboxes. Even under the least favorable conditions, you may get reaction from your endorsers if your messages are regarded unseemly or profiteering.

In order for me to help you and your business, I have gathered some insights and tips for you to consider and decide on what’s best to be done through communicating, and by turning this process into a form of support for your own followers during an epidemic time when they need it the most.

When would it be best for my company to send an e-mail about COVID- 19?

If the services or products that you provide are packed or strongly affected by COVID- 19 then your clients deserve an e-mail update ASAP!

Check below the most essentials reasons to do so:
  • You have very important updates, new operating hours, news or applied business changes to share.
  • You have useful and meaningful supportive awareness messages to share.
  • You used to have direct contact with your customers but now you’re moving your meetings to a specific online platform.
  • Your services have been changed, tweaked or upgraded in a way or another that your current clients must know about.
  • You have a thoughtful giveaway campaign or free goodies to give out that your loyal clients can benefit from.
Don’t forget to:
  • Include very useful content such as tips and inspirational business methods.
  • Allow your e-mails to be neat, bright, positive and not too long. This will also encourage your subscribers to look forward to reading your next newsletter.
  • Cancel any existing, automated newsletter or updates that are not relevant to the current situation.
  • Encourage your subscribers to engage with relative subjects content on your social media platforms.
  • Put yourself in your subscriber’s shoes and figure out what would you like to receive future e-mails about so you can write them accordingly.

Again, try to show support, compassion and give hope while ending your e-mail with a wishful thought or simply a motivational quote.

Don’t forget to add me to your mailing list; I’d love to hear from you!

Sending you love and courage from Better’fly Lebanon team.
Stay safe & stay productive.

Don’t hesitate to check out our blog regarding working from home during the Coronavirus Quarantine

Author Profile

Nathalie Jeha
Founder – CEO Better'fly Lebanon
General Manager - Certified Marketing Consultant