In The Media
It‘s The Christmas Mission 2014 – Join Us!
For the 3rd Year in a row, We Bring you The Christmas Mission 2014 – A fundraising event for the SOS Children’s Villages! Join us on Friday, December 19th and Saturday, December 20th at The Quadrangle, Hazmieh Starting 7:00PM Visit the event page to find out more #RockForLife
The Christmas Mission 2012 -Rock For Life- Al Horra TV coverage
And This is what happened at The Christmas Mission 2012 – Rock For Life- Day 1 & Day 3 Thank you Sandra Saad from Al Horra Tv for the coverage Organized by: Betterfly
The Christmas Mission 2012 Day 2 & Day 3
The Lebanese Bands Community brings you The Christmas Mission 2012 a fundraising event for the SOS Children’s Villages The target: The SOS Children need: Clothes, mattresses and food supplies The Mission: Day 1: The event The Lebanese bands Rocked For Life and raised money for day 2 Day 2: The shopping trip All band members will be bought the kids what they needed Day 3: The Visit to the SOS Village All bands visited the kids at the SOS Village to distribute the gifts This video says it all.
The Lebanese Bands Community brings you The Christmas Mission 2012 A fundraising event for the kids of the SOS Village Follow the event on Facebook for details This event is organized by BandAge