In November 2022, the world was introduced to ChatGPT – an AI-powered chatbot that mimics human-like conversations. Developed by OpenAI, it uses deep learning, a subfield of machine learning, to produce responses that resemble human speech. With its user-friendly interface, ChatGPT has caught the attention of businesses and consumers alike, sparking curiosity about its potential to revolutionize marketing strategies and improve customer experiences. However, it’s imperative to note that ChatGPT is a tool to enhance human capabilities, not replace them. Join us as we explore the possibilities of ChatGPT and how it can be a game changer for marketers without compromising the human touch.

What makes ChatGPT so unique?

The size of ChatGPT’s dataset distinguishes it from other chatbots. Chatbots are typically trained on a small dataset in a rule-based fashion to answer specific questions and perform specific tasks. While ChatGPT has been trained on a massive dataset — 175 billion parameters and 570 gigabytes — and can accomplish a variety of tasks in various fields and industries. In Microsoft Word, 570GB is equivalent to over 385 million pages. Given the volume of data, ChatGPT can perform various language-related activities such as answering questions in various fields and sectors, providing answers in various languages, and generating content.

Marketers’ Frienemy?

While ChatGPT is a fantastic tool for marketers, it is critical to understand its realistic capabilities and expectations to get the most out of it. Consumers have traditionally followed Gartner’s hype cycle when novel technologies emerge. Gartner’s cycle, in essence, explains the process that people experience when adopting new technology. The cycle begins with the innovation trigger and ends with the peak of the inflated trigger stage when consumers become excited about updated technology and expectations begin to build. Then consumers become aware of the technology’s flaws, resulting in a mismatch between expectations and reality. This is referred to as the trough of disillusionment. This is followed by the enlightenment slope, in which consumers begin to understand the proposed technology and use it more appropriately and reasonably. Finally, during the plateau of production, the technology is widely adopted and used as intended. With the current level of public interest in ChatGPT, we appear to be approaching the inflated trigger stage. To mitigate the effects of the trough of the disillusionment stage, marketers must set realistic expectations for consumers and navigate the integration of ChatGPT.

So, what can ChaGPT do?

We are at a point where ChatGPT cannot replace the human factor, but it can “be of help” with:

– Support with Content Creation

– Improve customer service

– Automate repetitive marketing tasks

ChatGPT can also be used for other tasks, such as product descriptions. ChatGPT would be able to frequently update and adjust product descriptions with access to a wealth of data, allowing marketers to focus on higher-impact tasks.

Don’t get your hopes high, ChatGPT is new and lacks a lot!

While the numerous possibilities for improving marketing processes with ChatGPT are appealing, businesses should be aware of some key limitations. They should also be aware of when to limit or avoid using ChatGPT in business operations.

– Emotional intelligence: ChatGPT offers cutting-edge human-like responses and content. Remember, however, that the tool is only human-like. The degree of human likeness will be critical for process enhancement and content creation, as it has been in the past with chatbots.

Accuracy: While the marketing content may appear logical, it is imperative to note that ChatGPT is not error-free and may provide incorrect and illogical answers. Marketers need to review and validate the content generated by ChatGPT to avoid possible errors and ensure consistency with the brand message and image.

Creativity: Using ChatGPT for creative content may cause both short- and long-term problems. Over-reliance on ChatGPT may limit creative abilities; therefore, it should be used to support ideation and improve existing content while leaving room for human creativity.

Movies are not wrong, humans are irreplaceable!!

In conclusion, while ChatGPT is a powerful tool that can assist with many tasks, it cannot replace the human factor. The ability to understand context, emotions, and nuances is something that can only be done by humans. It is key to remember that technology is meant to enhance our capabilities, not replace them. We at Better’fly Lebanon believe that the integration of technology and human expertise is the key to success. We look forward to sharing more insights on this topic through our blog. Be sure to check our website, follow us on social media, or give us a call at 961 3 412 524 for more information.

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Author Profile

Nathalie Jeha
Founder – CEO Better'fly Lebanon
General Manager - Certified Marketing Consultant