As a digital marketing and social media agency based in Beirut, Lebanon and operating worldwide, we have discovered while working with a large number of businesses from around the globe the importance and essential needs for every business to develop a digital marketing strategy.

Establishing a marketing plan helps you connect your business with your customers when they are online.
Therefore, it is very important for all industries.
A digital marketing plan helps you connect your businesses with your ideal customers when they are doing their homework and research to enhance their online presence.

Why does your business need digital marketing?

Let’s guide you through the essentials:

1. It is affordable
We consider digital marketing way less expensive than other marketing strategies.
Tailored prices vary based on your plans and how much you spend on ADS tends to be lower than other forms of marketing.

2. It is mobile friendly
Did you know that 77% of adults own a smartphone? 
And they usually use it to read the news, to network online with their friends, and many other daily activities!
Digital marketing helps you reach them while they are doing so on their mobiles, helping your business and offers to be in front of your audience while they use many different apps on their mobile phones

3. Expansion
A lot of people shop online.
Digital marketing gives you the privilege to appeal to these users so you can expand the reach of your business or e-commerce store.
When activating your Shopping Ads and brand awareness campaigns, you can expand your brand recognition and boost your sales accordingly.

With a lot of forms and the usage of high quality digital marketing methods, including banner ads, email marketing, content marketing, and social media posts and by learning how to market your business online, you open up a wide range of possibilities for future publicity strategies. With digital marketing, you defiantly have the flexibility of testing and stopping poorly performing campaigns in real time.

4. Interaction
Social media campaigns let you communicate directly with the customers who are able to view your content, maybe through website comments, messages, reviews, and social media posts. This shows those customers that you care about what they say and think, leading them to feel respected and part of the community that you’re building for your brand.
It also allows you to gather data, information, leads and customers’ reactions and preferences.

5. Track and monitor your activities online
Unlike any other marketing method or old-school techniques, digital marketing lets you track your activities and track your budget, monitor your active ads and the performance of the types of content
This tells you which methods are effective, and it will allow you to refine and improve your digital strategies.

For more tips and benefits on the importance of digital marketing and social media plans for your business don’t hesitate to book your complimentary 30 mins consultancy session with our Business & Marketing Consultant Nathalie Jeha
+961 3 41 25 24
We are operating worldwide and we can assist you anytime at the comfort of your working space or office.

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Author Profile

Nathalie Jeha
Founder – CEO Better'fly Lebanon
General Manager - Certified Marketing Consultant