The NFT marketplace is filled with projects. As a result, if you do not conduct extensive promotion, it may be difficult for your NFT project to gain traction. Creating a one-of-a-kind NFT marketing strategy can help your project gain visibility. This results in more bids and better returns from your NFTs. However, marketing isn’t easy if you don’t have the necessary knowledge and skills. This is why you should hire an NFT marketing firm like Better’fly Lebanon to work for you. Keep reading below to know how our expert marketers make use of many techniques for a successful NFT promotion campaign.

Making NFT Art

NFTs are created on the block chain by tokenizing digital arts. The created digital token, which can be in the form of a JPG, GIF or video, is then listed for sale on the marketplace.

Below is how OpenSea, a leading NFT marketplace for instance creates its tokens:

Step 1: create an account on the marketplace

Connect it to an Ethereum wallet to store the NFT and any crypto currency earned from the sale.

Step 2: upload your file

Upload the file containing the digital asset (image or video) to Inter Planetary File System, a decentralized storage service (IPFS).

Step 3: mint your NFT

You must then create a token that is linked to that file in order to generate a unique cryptographic signature that will be stored on the block chain. This is the only way to ensure that the file you uploaded is genuine.

Step 4: list your new NFT for sale as follows

Don’t forget to specify the auction’s minimum acceptable price and duration.

Once these steps are followed you may start to market them; below you will see how to promote your offerings

NFT Marketing & Public Relations

Public relations are an excellent NFT marketing technique to employ. With the help of a crypto PR agency, you can target the right crypto audiences with the right messages. Publication of press releases in niche media aids in the engagement of crypto communities. The strategy raises the visibility of your project and piques the interest of potential investors. Remember that as you increase the number of engagements, you will receive more bids for your auctions. As a result, you’ll be able to sell your digital assets at a profit.

In addition, in marketing public relations aids in the shaping of the customer experience and it ensure that your audiences receive different messages at different stages of their purchasing journey. This assists you in articulating your unique selling point. Prospects will consider purchasing your NFT if they believe it is a good investment. To summarize, the role of public relations is to attract, nurture, and pull your target audience into the final stage of the sales funnel. Also PR is the key for a company’s reputation.

NFT and the SEO

We at Better’fly Lebanon are huge fans of SEO strategies, and they are organic tools to increase the visibility of your digital collectibles. Your NFT ambassadors will create content that includes specific search terms as part of this NFT marketing strategy. When looking for products online, the buyer employs such search terms. Your NFTs will appear on SERPs when prospective customers search for them thanks to the customized SEO strategy that our strategists have designed for you. As a result, this technique can generate a large number of bids, resulting in substantial profits from your auctions.

Influencer Marketing

It is a known fact that influencers have strong way of convicting their followers of things. The majority of crypto influencers are active on various social media platforms. They aid in the marketing of your NFTs, leading to increased acquisition and valuable bids.

How influencers are of help here:

  • TRUST: Influencers have a well-established audience, which helps your project gain trust. This saves NFT owners time and resources that would otherwise be spent on building trust with new audiences.
  • EXTENSIVE NICHE COMMUNITIES: Crypto Influencers have large niche communities. This allows you to reach them without having to create one. When you collaborate with a large number of influencers, your project goes viral and begins to trend online.

Influencer marketing is a critical component of your NFT marketing strategy. As a result, an experienced crypto agency can assist you in reaching the best crypto influencers.

Working with elite NFT Marketplaces

NFT platforms are one-of-a-kind marketplaces for buying and selling digital assets. You can exchange various NFTs, such as online games, cards, and virtual real estate, through a top NFT marketplace. Prospects will be drawn to these marketplaces by all NFT marketing channels. To summarize, list your NFTs on multiple platforms to increase your chances of selling them at a high price.

Guest Blogging

Another winning NFT marketing strategy; you can employ this strategy by contacting dedicated websites in search of guest contributions. First, contact them via email and explain why you’re the best fit for their website. The idea is to provide these sites with free content in exchange for marketing your NFT. As a result, the content assists NFT collectors in better understanding your artwork. As a result, NFT creators can benefit from sales. It is possible, for example, to make products visible to thousands of NFT fans. It also boosts your site’s domain authority and allows you to collaborate with others.


It enables NFTs to reach out to prospective buyers at various stages of the purchasing process. Remember that NFTs are a new technology, and people may want to learn more about them. As a result, it would be beneficial if you used this NFT marketing tactic to provide information. Furthermore, informative articles about the niche pique the interest of search engines. This type of content will appear on the first page of SERPs. You can create works that educate and compare NFT products for the crypto community. Show prospective buyers why they should buy your digital assets by creating such content.

Promotion on social media

You can create a crypto community using social media. The community spreads the word about your project. Project owners can market their digital artworks through a variety of channels. Twitter, YouTube, Reddit, Telegram, LinkedIn, and Facebook are some of the best platforms for NFT marketing that you should consider including in your strategy.

Finally, some thoughts on NFT marketing

Even though post-ICO marketing provides enormous opportunity, it is not easy to launch and sustain a successful campaign. After you have created digital artwork, the next step is to promote it in order to attract a large number of bids. NFT marketing can be difficult and requires the assistance of a crypto public relations firm. If you have an NFT, please contact TokenMinds so that we can assist you in marketing your digital artwork.

We will be sharing more and more about the best techniques to make it in this new era, for that stay tuned and get in touch with our experts for more information.

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Author Profile

Nathalie Jeha
Founder – CEO Better'fly Lebanon
General Manager - Certified Marketing Consultant